Hope Resource Centre Association https://www.hoperesourcecentre.social Building futures filled with hope Wed, 25 Jan 2023 19:11:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://www.hoperesourcecentre.social/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/cropped-favicon-32x32.png Hope Resource Centre Association https://www.hoperesourcecentre.social 32 32 How can we help? https://www.hoperesourcecentre.social/how-can-we-help/ Wed, 25 Jan 2023 18:56:11 +0000 https://hope-resource-centre.local/?p=329 Our Outreach Program provides relevant and evolving supports based on our understanding of victimization, the dynamics of domestic violence; our ability to work within confidentiality guidelines, our knowledge and experience working in the Family Court system, Criminal Court (sexual assaults) brings a qualified, experienced history of working with diverse populations and our ability to provide culturally relevant services.


Through a trained trauma informed response, we are committed to ensuring  safelty, essential needs are in place, connection to therapeutic and/or legal supports if required, an aware of their rights  with ongoing monitoring of risk and safety through an established trust connection.  As needs shift, so do our supports, as ‘together’ we travel the journey of healing and hope with our clients; navigating them through systemic supports and celebrating their courageous success!

  • Clare’s Law with provincial training via consensual, confidential referrals to our office, we provide tangible and trauma informed supports if your partner has a history of domestic violence, stalking or harassment, breaches of no contact orders, other relevant acts that could put your safety at risk.
  • Court Supports along with family court supports we will provide customized co-parenting education tools; access to ‘Parenting After Separation’ https://pas.albertacourts.ab.ca required for family court (free) and Alberta Domestic Violence class https://courseforviolence.com/canada/AB beginning at $24/4hr class with more training accessible if required, certificates provided and  recognized by Court. If internet access is a problem, options will be available through our office.
  • Little Warriors “Prevent It! Taking Action to Stop Child Sexual Abuse workshop presentations available locally at our Westlock office, eliminating geographical barriers.
  • “It’s Not Right” Partnering with AEAAC Alberta Elders Abuse Awareness Council and Canadian Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse, we facilitate workshops and lobby for increased awareness for the dignity, equality and safety of our older adults.
  • Rainbows Program Helping children cope with grief and loss peer support through a court approved peer support program.
  • SPCA ‘PetSafekeeping Program’ temporary shelter / medical care for pets of domestic violence victims who need to escape their abusive situations
  • GRIT GROUP (Growth/Resilience/Integrity/Tenacity) Women’s trauma/peer supports as together, we educate, empower, equip and encourage each other to move beyond abuse.
Building Empowered Lives Comm Events https://www.hoperesourcecentre.social/building-empowered-lives-comm-events/ Wed, 25 Jan 2023 18:54:51 +0000 https://hope-resource-centre.local/?p=326
  • CANDLELIGHT VIGIL Annually (November)
  • In honor of Alberta’s Family Violence Prevention month there with a community smudging and drumming ceremony partnered with local indigenous supports bringing increased awareness to murdered and missing women nationally and from our own community.


    Providing non-profit mentorship, board organizational capacity training supports

    providing sustainable access to an affordable food source, social connections, volunteer

    opportunities, with seniors leading seniors.  Wraparound services supports information

    provided to isolated seniors with a toolkit of resources with outcomes of reducing

    social, mental health, technological and economic inequities while reminding them of

    their value and worth.

    • DANCE 4 HOPE Fundraiser – Annually (June)

    A public awareness event hosted by Jazzercise instructor Kerri Wiegand for fourteen years providing a free outdoor class with all participants raising funds for Hope Centre.

    These courageous women bring a variety of reasons for participating, with some bringing their children to celebrate safety, equality, and choice publicly. The highest amount raised $14,000 at this event to this date.

    • WOMEN’s SYMPOSIUM: (March annual International Women’s Day)

    An annual event that inspires and empowers every participant bringing key note speakers, intergenerational involvement of children sharing their strengths, resource booths for access to community supports and a buffet lunch.

    Charter of Rights https://www.hoperesourcecentre.social/charter-of-rights/ Wed, 25 Jan 2023 18:52:11 +0000 https://hope-resource-centre.local/?p=323 “Rage — whether in reaction to social injustice, or to our leaders’ insanity, or to those who threaten or harm us — is a powerful energy that, with diligent practice, can be transformed into fierce compassion.”
    Bonnie Myotai Treace

    Article 1  Everyone has the right to define their experiences and problems in their own words and terms.

    Article 2  Everyone has the right for their life to be understood in the context of what they have been through and in the context of their relationships with others.

    Article 3  Everyone has the right to invite others who are important to them to be involved in the process of reclaiming their life from the effects of trauma.

    Article 4 Everyone has the right to be free from having problems caused by trauma and injustice located inside them, internally, as if there is some deficit in them. The person is not the problem, the problem is the problem.

    Article 5 Everyone has the right for their responses to trauma to be acknowledged. No one is a passive recipient of trauma. People always respond. People always protest injustice.

    Article 6  Everyone has the right to have their skills and knowledges of survival respected, honored and acknowledged.

    Article 7  Everyone has the right to know and experience that what they have learned through hardship can make a contribution to others in similar situations.
